Meet Jaime and Yonatan
Word of Mouth is the culmination of our shared dreams and individual journeys. We are Jaime and Yonatan Elkayam, partners in life and purpose, united by a deep calling to nurture and empower those around us.
Our Story
Our paths to healing and self-discovery have been as unique as they were destined to intertwine.
Jaime, with a background as a lifelong dancer, became fascinated with the mind, body, spirit connection in her late teens after sustaining a debilitating back injury - at 16, she was diagnosed with a badly herniated disc in her lower spine and told that she would never dance again. In that moment, her intuition kicked into full great and urged her not to accept that diagnosis as a lifelong truth. She immersed herself in education about nutrition, inflammation, physical movement, stress, emotions, and their impact on the body. As her knowledge and understanding of her own inner world expanded, her chronic pain slowly began to diminish. She found herself feeling stronger than ever and has since committed her life to supporting others in their healing journey. Her passion for education and personal growth has led her to accumulate certifications as a Personal Trainer, Behavior Change Coach and Master Energy Healer.
Her approach is a blend of gentle nurturing and profound insight, guiding clients back into empowered relationships with themselves.
Yonatan's world was one of music and sound, deeply rooted in the understanding of vibration and frequency. As he found himself accumulating the aches and pains that so many musicians know all too well, he knew that his body required deeper support. Hearing his colleagues accept pain as the norm, he knew that there was another way. In 2018, he began to study classical Pilates as a way to heal his own body and sustain his joy in music. This physical practice not only transformed his body but his relationship to music. As a musician, Pilates Instructor and Reiki practitioner, his energy is a balance of grounded wisdom and light-heartedness.
Together, we've excavated the medicine and blessings from some of our most difficult moments and allowed them to guide our curiosity and education. We bring together our gifts, knowledge and expertise to support you through your most transitional moments in life - this is truly the work that we both wish we had access to in the depths of our own challenging moments and we're so grateful to share it with you.
Join Our Journey
The journey towards a more harmonious, empowered self starts here.
Join us in this beautiful exploration of self, and become part of a community that believes in healing as a universal right. Reach out to us for a consultation or follow our journey on Instagram.
With love,
Jaime & Yonatan Elkayam
Word of Mouth
Our Mission
At Word of Mouth, we believe in the profound power of compassion, connection, and authentic expression. Our mission is to ignite the spark within each of us, creating space for a harmonious union of mind, body, and spirit, a holistic approach that we believe leads to a fuller, more joyful life.
As lantern holders in a world often shrouded in darkness, we are dedicated to illuminating the path toward self-healing. We stand firm in our belief that every person carries the capacity to heal themselves and shape their own destiny. In this light, we strive to empower our clients, our community, and ultimately the world, echoing the truth that our internal alignment creates our external reality.
Our offerings are an embodiment of our personal experiences and insights, all shaped by the ebbs and flows of our journeys, both in triumph and in challenge. By sharing the tools and practices that have brought us healing and growth, we hope to be a beacon of hope, empowerment, and connection for you, our community and clients.
We are dedicated to creating real, lasting change in the wellness industry, challenging the notion of quick fixes and singular approaches. Our commitment to holistic healing and personal development transcends the surface, diving deep into the interconnectedness of our beings.
Join us on this journey of vitality, connection, and evolution, as we co-create a world where healing is not a privilege, but a universal right.
With love,
Yonatan & Jaime
Word of Mouth